Holy Land
Holy Land Spinel
The first Holy Land Spinel was found by Shefa in Israel in the beginning of the new millennium (2000). High gem-quality Spinel originated from the Holy Land are VERY RARE. As of today, less than 6,000 Carats where discovered.
Spinel is the magnesium/aluminium member of the larger spinel group of minerals. It has the formula MgAl2O4 in the cubic crystal system. Its name comes from the Latin word “spinella”, which means spine in reference to its pointed crystals.
Spinel crystallizes in the isometric system; common crystal forms are octahedra, usually twinned. It has an imperfect octahedral cleavage and a conchoidal fracture. Its hardness is 8, its specific gravity is 3.5–4.1, and it is transparent to opaque with a vitreous to dull luster. It may be colorless, but is usually various shades of black, pink, rose, red, blue, green, yellow, brown, or violet.
The most famous Spinel gemstones (mistakenly defined as Ruby) are the “Black Prince’s Ruby” and the “Timur ruby” in the British Crown Jewels, and the “Côte de Bretagne”, formerly from the French Crown jewels.
Mineral Metaphysical and Energetic Properties:
Physical possible effects:
Helps with all problems that arise through over-acid conditions, for example rheumatism and gout, and will decrease excessive acid formation in the stomach. Helps to relief diarrhea. Helps to relief Pregnant vomiting. Loosens cramp and relaxes muscles, for example in migraine, cramp-like headaches, cramp in the circulation, stomach and intestinal cramps and gallbladder colic.
Increases blood circulation, makes the walls of the blood vessels tough and elastic, and expands the blood vessels surrounding the heart, thereby improving the functioning of the heart muscle.
Decrease the rate of skin aging. Decrease the rate of cell cancer development. Helps to relief Osteoporosis. Helps to relief Incontinence
Psychological/mental possible effects:
Has a calming effect on nervousness, fears and feelings of guilt. Encourages the facility to express feelings, and to release behavioral patterns of holding onto things and holding back. It also stimulates a desire for change and alteration. Promotes a peaceful disposition and is effective against nervousness, fearfulness, hypochondria, schizophrenia and dampens excitability, irritability and aggression.
Spiritual possible effects:
Can help with a loss of identity, finding out again who we really are and what our task is in life. It encourages a sense of reality, soberness and alertness at any given moment. Aids the recognition of the seductions of modern life as the illusions they are and helps us to deal with them. Promotes a positive attitude towards life. It helps us accept ourselves for who we are and to love ourselves. This gives us the gift of cheering up others and encouraging them, solely through the atmosphere we create