Kishon River Mid Reach
Exploration activity is managed by professionally skilled and technically competent personnel and is accompanied by an international team of geological experts with decades of proven experience in their fields. It has two flagship projects, Mount Carmel and the Kishon Reach
Kishon Mid Reach
The Kishon Mid Reach placer is the Company’s most advanced exploration project and ongoing exploration activities are being undertaken with the aim of defining a SAMREC compliant Mineral Resource. The target is approx. 4.5 km long and about 150 m wide (the right bank of the Kishon) with gravel layers of variable thicknesses between 0.5 m and 4.5 m. All gemstones are entirely found within the gravel fractions.
The Company has delineated the Kishon Mid Reach placer in three zones, namely; Zone 1, Zone 2 and Zone 3, all of which are at different stages of development.
Zones 1 and 2, which cover c.3.5km of the total length of the placer, are believed to contain approx. 2Mt of gemstone bearing gravel. These two zones have been the focus of the Company’s drilling and a bulk sampling programme. A total of 186 boreholes (1,768 meters) were drilled + 44 bulk samplingand mini bulk sampling, whilst approximately over 12kt in bulk sampling has been completed in these two zones.